Cronological History of this log.
End Of File (first log entry) | Hello World!
A Template
About this document
This document was created to be a template for a document type that
includes a Cronological History section as an integral part of the
document. I wrote this document to be within those that I can
make public . The document was intended to be viewed by a browser and
includes image content.
- Wednesday, September 26, 2007 @ 7:44:54 AM (Alaska Time) -
Added menuBar to this document.
- I updated this document because I decided to leave it in the
public domain but wanted it to include links back to other portions of
my site. I deleted the mouseover changes of text for some of the
links because I have come to believe that is bad style. I no longer
use these kinds of documents but I still use the Zz/zYY/zYYMM directory
structure. Dated comments like in this in the Cronological History
section of this log are now made in the appropriate MySQL database on
my web server. Having them in a database makes it easier for me to
search for them.
- Saturday, September 2, 2006 @ 2:52:14 AM (Alaska Time) - Added
Style to this template.
- One Cascading Style sheet for the whole site.
- Saturday, June 2, 2001 @ 3:17:45 PM - I am updating this
template again
- I made a
backup of a former version of this document.
I have been using documents of this structure for over five years for
my own personal information as well as "group" information in the
work environment.
- 7/22/00 10:13 PM - I decided to add these images as an
additional example.
- Start Menu - LAM Stuff - LAM - Browse the Internet
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Top of this document.